Áhugaverð grein í Wired, Spyware on My Machine? So What?, þar sem greinir frá því að fólk sé farið að vera ónæmt fyrir hættum svona njósnaforrita og sé búið að gefa upp á bátinn einhverja von um friðhelgi einkalífsins á netinu. Ekki alveg nógu gott.
It’s like Castro said: They don’t really like patents. They like medicine. Cuba’s drug pipeline is most interesting for what it lacks: grand-slam moneymakers, cures for baldness or impotence or wrinkles. It’s all cancer therapies, AIDS medications, and vaccines against tropical diseases.
That’s probably why US and European scientists have a soft spot for their Cuban counterparts. Everywhere north of the Florida Keys, once-magical biotech has become just another expression of venture-driven capitalism. Leave it to the Cubans to make it revolutionary again.
Þetta er úr annari áhugaverðri grein á Wired, The Cuban Biotech Revolution, frábært framtak hjá Castro hvað svo sem um hann má segja.