Beastie Boys

Eins og Einar benti á þá hafa snillingarnir í Beastie Boys gefið út lag sem að andmælir stríðsbröltinu í Bush og félögum hans í hergagnaiðnaðinum. Þeir drengir hafa skoðanir á málunum og hafa verið ötulir stuðningsmenn Tíbet sem var hernumið af Kínverjum fyrir margt löngu og eru Tíbetar nú óðum að verða minnihluti í eigin landi auk þess sem trú þeirra og mál eru að mestu bönnuð.

“We felt it was important to comment on where the US appears to be heading now. A war in Iraq will not resolve our problems. It can only result in the deaths of many innocent civilians and US troops. If we are truly striving for safety, we need to build friendships, not try to bully the rest of the world.”

– Adam Yauch

“Being together, writing and recording, we felt it would be irresponsible not to address what’s going on in the world while the events are still current. It didn’t make sense to us to wait until the entire record was finished to release this song.”

– Mike D

“This song is not an anti-American or pro-Saddam Hussein statement. This is a statement against an unjustified war.”

– Adam Horovitz

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