Jákvæðar fréttir úr fótboltanum, Homeless world cup kicks off og Old’un Athletic. Of mikil neikvæðni í gangi þessa dagana í kringum íþróttina.
Þar sem maður er að stilla sig inn á að fara að vinna aftur eftir brúðkaup og hveitibrauðsdaga þá dundaði ég mér aðeins á netinu á meðan að ég hlóð inn myndum frá ferðinni. Samkvæmt þessu persónuleikaprófi þá er ég INTJ týpa sem að er víst dæmigerður vísindamaður, rökréttur snillingur og fleira. Týndi saman nokkur uppáhaldsbrotin mín, sem mér finnst eiga ágætlega við mig og útskýra kannski fyrir öðrum af hverju ég er stundum eins og ég er 🙂
the INTJ is driven to translate their ideas into a plan or system that is usually readily explainable, rather than to do a direct translation of their thoughts. They usually don’t see the value of a direct translation, and will also have difficulty expressing their ideas, which are non-linear.
Other people may have a difficult time understanding an INTJ. They may see them as aloof and reserved. Indeed, the INTJ is not overly demonstrative of their affections, and is likely to not give as much praise or positive support as others may need or desire. That doesn’t mean that he or she doesn’t truly have affection or regard for others, they simply do not typically feel the need to express it. Others may falsely perceive the INTJ as being rigid and set in their ways. Nothing could be further from the truth, because the INTJ is committed to always finding the objective best strategy to implement their ideas. The INTJ is usually quite open to hearing an alternative way of doing something.
Masterminds are the most open-minded of all the types. No idea is too far-fetched to be entertained-if it is useful. Masterminds are natural brainstormers, always open to new concepts and, in fact, aggressively seeking them.
To outsiders, INTJs may appear to project an aura of “definiteness”, of self-confidence. This self-confidence, sometimes mistaken for simple arrogance by the less decisive, is actually of a very specific rather than a general nature; its source lies in the specialized knowledge systems that most INTJs start building at an early age. When it comes to their own areas of expertise — and INTJs can have several — they will be able to tell you almost immediately whether or not they can help you, and if so, how. INTJs know what they know, and perhaps still more importantly, they know what they don’t know.
Furðu margt þarna sem passar við mann… auðvitað ekki algildur sannleikur en þetta virðist gefa ágætlega grófa mynd af mér eins og ég held að ég sé… það er svo annara að dæma… en það er ekki eins og mér sé oftast ekki slétt sama um hvað aðrir dæma mig! 😉
Að lokum, einn illkvitnislegur tengill á snúinn leik!