Einkarekstur síðri ríkisrekstri

Ríkisrekstur er að mínu mati nauðsynlegur í mörgum tilfellum, einkum í heilbrigðisgeiranum. Heilög andakt vegna hluthafa og peninga þeirra mun alltaf bitna á þeim sem þurfa læknisaðstoð.

U.S. spends 300% more on health care administration

Canada’s public system is far more economic than American private care.

Sjá samantekt greinarinnar hér.

Behind false claims of efficiency lies a much uglier truth. Investor-owned care embodies a new value system that severs the community roots and Samaritan traditions of hospitals, makes physicians and nurses into instruments of investors, and views patients as commodities. Investor ownership marks the triumph of greed.

Þetta er frá leiðaranum The high costs of for-profit care.

Kaus annars þjóðarblómið í dag. Valdi Gleym-mér-ei.

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