AOE 2 – A to Z win 10

First attempt at the A-Z challenge in Age of Empires II:DE where you play with each civilization in 1v1 ranked, in alphabetical order. My version has 10 wins per civilization.

Armenians106Enclosed (3-1), MegaRandom (3-2), Migration (2-1), Lowland (0-1), Wade (2-1)December 2023
Aztecs108Acropolis (0-1), Arena (0-1), Cliffbound (0-1), MegaRandom (1-2), Nomad (3-1), River Divide (2-0), Runestones (1-1), Shoals (1-1), Wade (2-0)January, April, May 2024
Bengalis38Arabia (1-3), Hill Fort (1-0), MegaRandom (0-1), Nomad (0-1), Scandinavia (1-1), Yucatan (0-2)June, July 2024